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Garrett Foster Case

Daniel Perry Sentenced to 25 Years for Murder of Garrett Foster

Travis County Jury Finds Uber Driver Guilty

Sentencing Concludes Trial that Grabs National Attention

Daniel Perry, 35, was sentenced to 25 years in prison Wednesday for the murder of Garrett Foster. A Travis County jury had found Perry guilty of murder on Friday, concluding a trial that garnered national attention and sparked conversations about self-defense and the role of race in deadly confrontations.

Perry, an Uber driver, had faced a sentence of between five and 99 years in prison for fatally shooting Foster, a 28-year-old Air Force veteran and Black Lives Matter activist, during a confrontation on July 25, 2020, in downtown Austin.

The jury's verdict came after a three-week trial in which prosecutors argued that Perry had intentionally killed Foster in self-defense, while Perry and his attorneys maintained that he had acted out of fear for his life and had fired his gun to protect himself.

The sentencing hearing on Wednesday was an emotional affair, with Foster's family and friends expressing their grief and calling for justice, while Perry's family pleaded for mercy and argued that he was not a murderer.

Judge Tamara Needles, who presided over the trial and sentencing, imposed the 25-year sentence, citing the seriousness of Perry's crime and the need to deter such actions in the future.
